Wednesday, September 30, 2015

Wednesday September 30, 2015

Today we played a review game called ZAP! over physical properties.

Tuesday, September 29, 2015

Tuesday September 29, 2015

Today we completed grading the papers from yesterday and then looked at the study jams and took a short quiz over those.

Tomorrow we will be playing a review game over physical properties.

Monday, September 28, 2015

Monday September 28, 2015

Today the students read through the textbook over pages 108-119 and completed and turned in pages 120-122.

Tomorrow we will be grading those and doing a study jam over physical properties and physical state.  You can find the link to the study jam below.


Friday, September 25, 2015

Friday September 25, 2015

Today the students worked on their lab reports and they were due by the end of the day.

Thursday September 24, 2015

Today I explained the requirements for the lab report that will be due Friday.

The requirements:

Opening-1 paragraph explaining what the lab covered

Middle- 6 paragraphs, one over each of the lab stations explaining what each station was testing

Closing- 1 paragraph explaining what you learned during the lab

Wednesday September 23, 2015

Today we finished watching the Bill Nye magnetism video and graded the worksheet that accompanied it.

We also had some students that brought in items for the classifying matter scavenger hunt completed the 6 stations with those items and share their results with the class.

Tuesday, September 22, 2015

Tuesday September 22, 2015

Today we took the science spiral quiz.  Those will be graded and entered into the gradebook as soon as possible.  I also told the students about the classifying matter scavenger hunt.

Each student needs to bring one item from home to use through each of the 6 labs we have set up in the classroom exploring physical properties of matter.

We also watched Bill Nye Magnetism which is below for you to watch if you like.

We took a video quiz over it and didn't finish, but will tomorrow.  If you would like a sneak peek at the answer key for the video worksheet click the link below:


Monday September 21, 2015

Today we finished the lab and talked about the rest of the week.

Friday, September 18, 2015

Friday September 18, 2015

Today we completed the lab and I will upload some pictures of the students doing the lab later.

The lab we did is linked below:


Thursday, September 17, 2015

Thursday September 17, 2015

Today I gave the students a notes quiz over the material from the Matter Notes.

Then I went over the lab we would be doing today and tomorrow.

We did not finish the lab and will continue it tomorrow.

Wednesday September 16, 2015

Today we finished the digital lesson from Tuesday and started on notes over matter.
We will finish those tomorrow before the lab.

The link to those notes is below:


Tuesday September 15, 2015

Today we went over the digital lesson previously posted on Monday's post.  I told the students about the spiral quiz on Friday.
We also graded page 53-54 from the textbook and I will have those grades entered as soon as possible.

Monday, September 14, 2015

Monday September 14, 2015

Today we completed pages 53 and 54 and turned them in.  They will be graded and entered into the gradebook as soon as possible.

Tomorrow we will be going over the digital lesson below.

Unit #3 Lesson #1 Digital Lesson CLICK HERE

Sunday, September 13, 2015

Friday September 11, 2015

We looked at the chapter in our textbooks over science tools and talked about several we will be using this year.

Thursday, September 10, 2015

Extra Credit

Write down the four statements on the summary at the end of the virtual lab linked below.

Turn it into the basket marked with your teachers name by NEXT THURSDAY.

It will be worth a free 100 daily grade replacement.


Thursday September 10, 2015

Today the students presented their lab safety poster and I will grade those and enter the grades into the grade book later on today or tomorrow.

Wednesday, September 9, 2015

Wednesday September 9, 2015

Today we continued to work on our lab safety posters.  They are due tomorrow.

Tuesday, September 8, 2015

Tuesday September 8, 2015

Today the students were introduced to the lab safety poster project.  It will be due Thursday and will be the first test grade for the 1st six weeks.

The link below has the rubric and other requirements for the project.  It is an in class project and doesn't need to be worked on at home,


Friday, September 4, 2015

Friday September 4, 2015

Today we went to the Early Act First Knight presentation and had a great time learning about the program we will be participating in this year.  I took some pictures and videos and you can find the link to all of them BELOW.

Early Act First Knight Presentation Pictures and Videos Link CLICK HERE

Here are a few of them, but there are more to view if you click the link ABOVE.

Thursday, September 3, 2015

Thursday September 3, 2015

Today in class we did the lab titled: "How many drops will fit on a penny".  The students had a great time participating in it,

Wednesday, September 2, 2015

Wednesday September 2, 2015

Today we finished up the fold able from yesterday and then we watched the a video to reinforce the concepts of the scientific method.

We will be participating in our first lab as a class tomorrow. "How many drops on a penny"

Tuesday, September 1, 2015

Tuesday September 1, 2015

Today the students finished up the notes over scientific method and then took a notes quiz over it.  the grades should be posted soon.