Writing - Organization
Each section in the storyboard has a clear beginning, middle, and end.
Almost all sections of the storyboard have a clear beginning, middle and end.
Most sections of the storyboard have a clear beginning, middle and end.
Less than half of the sections of the storyboard have a clear beginning, middle and end.
Attractiveness & Organization
The storyboard has exceptionally attractive formatting and well-organized information.
The storyboard has attractive formatting and well-organized information.
The storyboard has well-organized information.
The storyboard formatting and organization of material are confusing to the reader.
Content - Accuracy
All facts in the brochure are accurate.
99-90% of the facts in the brochure are accurate.
89-80% of the facts in the brochure are accurate.
Fewer than 80% of the facts in the brochure are accurate.
Writing - Vocabulary
The authors correctly use seven words and define words accurately.
The authors correctly use five words and define words accurately.
The authors correctly use three words and define words accurately.
The authors do not incorporate vocabulary.